Melanoma and Skin Cancer
Early Detection

A National Accreditation
Programme for Hair, Health and Beauty
Industry Professionals

Register Here | £25
Habia, BABTAC and NHF NBF ApprovedHabia, BABTAC and NHF NBF Approved


Hair, Health and Beauty Professionals are in a unique position to become powerful advocates in the fight against the UK’s most common cancer and potentially save lives.

Hair, health and beauty professionals who see their clients on a regular basis, have the opportunity to observe changes that may occur on their clients skin, particularly in areas that clients may not be able to see themselves and this puts you in an invaluable position. By taking the time to swot up on skin surveillance and learn how to identify suspicious lesions, you could detect the early signs of skin cancer and advise your client to take action. This could prevent your client from disfigurement through surgery and in the case of spotting melanoma early, you could even prevent their death.

Health, hair and beauty professionals who see their clients on a regular basis, have the opportunity to observe changes that may occur on their clients skin, particularly in areas that clients may not be able to see themselves and this puts you in an invaluable position.

By taking the time to swot up on skin surveillance and learn how to identify suspicious lesions, you could detect the early signs of skin cancer and advise your client to take action.

This could prevent your client from disfigurement through surgery and in the case of spotting melanoma early, you could even prevent their death.

Why intervention is so important

Skin cancer is the UK’s most common and fastest rising cancer.
Melanoma, The deadliest form of the disease, is now one of the biggest cancer killers in 15-34 year olds. Experts estimate that by 2024, Melanoma will become one of the most common forms of all major cancers.

Melanoma is now one of the biggest killers in 15-34 year olds. Experts estimate that by 2024, Melanoma will become one of the most common forms of all major cancers.

Ignorance regarding the early signs and symptoms of skin cancer and melanoma are widespread. With over 86% of all cases of melanoma preventable and early detection vital for survival, educational intervention is key to reversing the soaring rates of skin cancer in the UK and saving lives.

Ignorance regarding the early signs and symptoms of skin cancer and melanoma are widespread. With over 86% of all cases of melanoma preventable and early detection vital for survival, educational intervention is key to reversing the soaring rates of skin cancer in the UK and saving lives.

Relevant to all industry professionals

Non-melanoma skin cancers are often found on the head whilst melanoma can appear ANYWHERE on the body, so if you’re a hairdresser, beauty therapist, physiotherapist, makeup artist, chiropractor, podiatrist, nail technician, sports or alternative therapist - or if you practice any kind of therapy or service that involves a close connection to and observation of your clients skin, you are in the perfect position to become a powerful advocate in the fight against skin cancer and save lives.

Any profession that involves a connection to and observation of your client’s skin, puts you in the perfect position to make a stand against skin cancer and save lives.

Non-melanoma skin cancers are often found on the head whilst melanoma can appear ANYWHERE on the body, so if you’re a hairdresser, beauty therapist, physiotherapist, makeup artist, chiropractor, tattoo artist, podiatrist, nail technician, sports or alternative therapist - or if you practice any kind of therapy or service that involves a close connection to and observation of your clients skin, you are in the perfect position to become a powerful advocate in the fight against skin cancer and melanoma.

Please Note!

By taking part in the MASCED Accreditation Programme, you are not expected or required to ‘diagnose’ skin cancer - this is a job for a trained professional. However, by increasing your knowledge you could spot something suspicious and interact with your client to recommend they seek professional advice to get it checked out.


Melanoma and Skin Cancer
Early Detection

Get accredited and certified to save lives

The MASCED Accreditation Programme offers hair, health and beauty professionals the opportunity to become Accredited and awarded certification for taking part. Becoming Accredited is an achievement you can be hugely proud of, providing evidence of your Continual Professional Development and a potentially life saving service to your clients.

By taking part in the 3 step online MASCED Educational Programme you can become accredited and certified to save lives.

To become MASCED Accredited, participants must complete the following 3 steps

Becoming MASCED Accredited is an achievement you can be hugely proud of, providing evidence of your Continued Personal Development and a potentially life saving service to your clients.

To become MASCED Accredited, participants must complete the following 3 steps:

1 | Swot up on sun safety and skin cancer

Step 1 | Swot up on
Sun Safety and Skin Cancer

Once registered we will send you you’re MASCED guide that provides educational information on four key topics for you to learn;

  1. The risks of exposure to UVR (Ultraviolet Radiation)
  2. How to prevent skin cancer by adopting simple sun safe strategies
  3. How to identify suspicious legions - focusing on the three most common skin cancers; Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma
  4. How to communicate concerns and give the right advice

Once registered we will send you you’re MASCED guide that provides educational information on 4 key topics for you to learn

The four key topics are:

  1. The risks of exposure to UVR (Ultraviolet Radiation)
  2. How to prevent skin cancer by adopting simple sun safe strategies
  3. How to identify suspicious legions - focusing on the three most common skin cancers; Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma
  4. How to communicate concerns and give the right advice

2 | Complete the accreditation e-course

Step 2 | Complete the
accreditation e-course

The MASCED Accreditation e-course has been developed to review and reinforce the key educational messaging found within your MASCED guide. The course should take around 60 minutes to complete, is simple to follow, with immediate assistance provided if required.

The MASCED Accreditation e-course has been developed to review and reinforce key educational messaging found within your MASCED guide.

The course should take around 60 minutes to complete, is simple to follow, with immediate assistance provided if required.

3 | Feedback and Certification

Step 3 | Feedback and Certification

Finally we ask you to provide feedback about how you have found the resources before you are awarded your MASCED Certificate of Accreditation which is valid for one year and can be renewed annually, by re-taking the e-course to refresh your knowledge.

Finally we ask you to provide feedback about how you have found the resources before you are awarded your MASCED Certificate of Accreditation which is valid for one year and can be renewed annually, by re-taking the e-course to refresh your knowledge.

Further Resources

The greatest gift you can give your client is to extend your new found knowledge and share life saving information about the prevention and early detection of skin cancer so they can take charge of their own skin health and surveillance.

The greatest gift you can give your client is to extend your new found knowledge and share life saving information about the prevention and early detection of skin cancer so they can take charge of their own skin health and surveillance.

By taking part in the MASCED programme you have access to quality resources that you can download and share with your clients or hard copies can be ordered for your clients to take away. Knowledge is power and by sharing this knowledge you can do great work in raising awareness and taking a stand against this devasting disease.

Once registered you’ll have access to quality resources that you can share with your clients. Knowledge is power and by sharing this knowledge you can do great work in raising awareness and taking a stand against this devasting disease.

Don’t delay, register with us today
Together we can make a difference
and save lives

Register Your Interest

Don’t delay, register with us today
Together we can make a difference
and save lives

Click Here to Register

The MASCED Educational Accreditation Programme has been developed by national melanoma and skin cancer charity, Skcin. The contents of this website, including images and associated material are for guidance and educational purposes only. Participants are not expected or required to diagnose skin cancer and should always advise clients seek professional advice from their GP and/or Dermatologist.

Copyright 2025 Skcin. All rights reserved. | Skcin; The UK’s leading melanoma and skin cancer awareness charity |
Website & E-course Engine Developed by Total SEO Services


Please complete the form below to get in touch or contact:
Marie Tudor:


Registration Already registered? Click here to sign in

Please enter a valid email address and a password below to register. Once registered, you will need to verify the email address and update your contact information before starting your accreditation.

Welcome to MASCED

Melanoma and Skin Cancer Early Detection

Please select which training programme you would like to access

MASCED.UK Training for hair, health and beauty industry professionals


Training for hair, health and
beauty industry professionals

PRO.MASCED.UK Advanced Training for medical and healthcare practitioners


Training for Medical and
Healthcare Practitioners