How to spot Melanoma using the ABCDE Method

Melanoma is a malignant form of skin cancer, which means it has the potential to spread beyond the skin to other areas of the body, where it can become deadly. Although 86% of skin cancers are preventable, more people die in the UK now than they do in Australia and rates have risen 150% since the 1970s.

There are four basic types of melanoma as well as non-melanoma skin cancers, including Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) and Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC). BCC is benign, meaning that it very rarely spreads to other parts of the body, but can be disfiguring if left untreated.

If you work in a role in hair, health, or beauty where you see parts of people’s skin that they don’t usually see themselves, you are in a prime position to spot the signs of skin cancers. You can learn about all the skin cancers by taking part in our online course.

Superficial Spreading Melanoma is the most common form of melanoma skin cancer accounting for around 70% of all cases - to help identify it, we use the ABCDE method:

The ABCDE of Melanoma
A - Asymmetry
B - Border
C - Colour
D - Diameter
E - Evolution

Not all of these signs have to present to indicate a possible melanoma.

If you spot a suspicious mole or lesion on a client or patient, please encourage them to seek medical advice to get a diagnosis. If caught early more than 90% of skin cancer deaths are preventable, so by spotting the signs of skin cancer, you really could save a life.

The Melanoma and Skin Cancer Early Detection (MASCED) online course:

  • Costs £20.
  • Teaches how to spot the early signsand symptoms of both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer.
  • Will give you the confidence to have conversations with your clients if you spot a suspicious mole or lesion and how to signpost them to take appropriate action.
  • Explains how skin cancers can be prevented using Skcin’s Five S’s of Sun Safety.
  • We send you quality printed materials and a study guide to keep in clinic or salon
  • Includes an online course to get an accreditation certificate.
  • The training has been reviewed and is supported by professional dermatologists.
  • The training is widely recognised by industry bodies and endorsed by Habia worth 2 CPD points.

We have a growing community of more than 13,000 hair health and beauty industry professionals who have signed up to the accreditation and we are so proud of them for taking the fight against skin cancer into their local communities.

Don’t delay, register with us today
Together we can make a difference
and save lives

Register to take part | £25

Don’t delay, register with us today
Together we can make a difference
and save lives

Register to take part | £25

The MASCED Educational Accreditation Programme has been developed by national skin cancer awareness charity, Skcin. The contents of this website, including images and associated material are for guidance and educational purposes only. Participants are not expected or required to diagnose skin cancer and should always advise clients seek professional advice from their GP and/or Dermatologist.

Copyright 2025 Skcin. All rights reserved. | Skcin; The UK’s leading melanoma and skin cancer awareness charity |
Website & E-course Engine Developed by Total SEO Services


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Marie Tudor:


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