About the MASCED Accreditation

The MASCED Accreditation Programme has been developed by national melanoma and skin cancer charity, Skcin. the objective of the scheme is to significantly raise awareness of the early signs and symptoms of skin cancer and to promote the early detection of melanoma, to improve prognosis and save lives.

The programme has also been developed to raise awareness of the importance of Sun Safety to aid the prevention of around 86% of melanoma and the majority of all skin cancer cases. This supports the call by public health figures for a wider perspective on who is most effective to help improve the nation’s health and address concerns raised in the Government’s 2020 Skin Cancer Vision. At Skcin we strongly believe that offering this valuable training to the estimated 250,000 people working across the hair, health and beauty industry, will provide a vital first line of defence against this deadly and devasting disease.

Skcin is the UK’s leading prevention and awareness, melanoma and skin cancer charity. As pioneers in educational intervention, this will be the charity’s fourth national accreditation scheme, providing extensive resources nationally to promote the importance of sun safety and skin surveillance, to influence behaviours and save lives.

Don’t delay, register with us today
Together we can make a difference
and save lives

Register to take part | £25

Don’t delay, register with us today
Together we can make a difference
and save lives

Register to take part | £25

The MASCED Educational Accreditation Programme has been developed by national skin cancer awareness charity, Skcin. The contents of this website, including images and associated material are for guidance and educational purposes only. Participants are not expected or required to diagnose skin cancer and should always advise clients seek professional advice from their GP and/or Dermatologist.

Copyright 2025 Skcin. All rights reserved. | Skcin; The UK’s leading melanoma and skin cancer awareness charity | skcin.org
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Please complete the form below to get in touch or contact:
Marie Tudor: marie.tudor@skcin.org


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Please enter a valid email address and a password below to register. Once registered, you will need to verify the email address and update your contact information before starting your accreditation.